Publication of "The Elements"
Last modified: March 10, 2022
Author: Dom Verity

The book Elements of ∞-Category Theory by Emily Riehl and Dom Verity has just been published (February 2022) by Cambridge University Press as volume 194 of the series Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Here’s what the reviewers are saying:
‘Emily and Dom have done what many thought impossible: they have written an introductory text on a model-independent approach to higher category theory. This self-contained text is ideal for both end-users and architects of higher category theory. Every page is bursting at the seams with gorgeous insights and the refreshingly candid delight the authors take in their subject.’
Clark Barwick - University of Edinburgh
‘This remarkable book starts with the premise that it should be possible to study infinity-categories armed only with the tools of 2-category theory. It is the result of the authors’ decade-long collaboration, and they have poured into it all their experience, technical brilliance, and expository skill. I’m sure I’ll be turning to it for many years to come.’
Steve Lack - Macquarie University
This text is also available as a freely downloadable pre-publication version under the following terms:
This material has been published by Cambridge University Press as Elements of ∞-Category Theory by Emily Riehl and Dom Verity. This pre-publication version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works.
© Emily Riehl and Dom Verity 2018-2021.
I’m planning to use this blog to introduce some supplementary materials and extra content that didn’t make it into final cut of published version of “The Elements”. Subscribe to my RSS feed to keep up with developments.